space for rent - easy listing guide

This page provides a simple step by step process for creating your Space for Rent listing.  You can find more details on each of these steps along with what to do once your listing is active by going to the SpaceOwner Guidelines Page.

Step 1 Decide on your Space - check around your home or business to determine what space you have that you don’t need or don't really use.  This could be a room, a cupboard, a shed, or even space under your house.
Step 2 Prepare your Space - you may need to reshuffle some of your own stuff to create a clear area that you can rent out.  You may also wish to make some minor alterations so the area can be secured (e.g. add a lock).  The storer may prefer to have exclusive access to an area - but this is not always the case
Step 3 Measure your Space - Take measurements of the area you have available - you will need to measure width, depth and height (in metres). Don’t just Guess
Step 4 Decide on a Price - Determine a price that you are prepared to rent out your space for.  This is not "set in concrete" and can be changed by you at any time.  You may like to start with a price at the higher range of your expectations, and then reducing it if you get few enquiries.  You should take a look at what similar spaces are already being listed for in Spaceout, and you could  contact a local self storage facility to see what they would charge for a similar space (we would suggest you listing your space at between 50% to 70% of commercial rates)
Step 5 Create you Listing - Put as much detail as possible into your listing.  The more information you can provide about the type of space you have for rent, the features that you can offer (and in particular what differentiates your space from others), the more likely it is to get enquiries.  (remember your identity, contact details and the actual address of the listing will NOT be disclosed until both your and the SpaceSeeker agree to exchange details)

Once your listing is in place, check your emails and be ready to respond to queries and contact requests.  If you don't get any queries within the first couple of weeks, you may like to consider reducing the price, or expanding the description of your listing.  You should also check for  time to time if there are any new Space Wanted listings in nearby areas.

Listing Fee?


We offer a number of Fee options for your Space for Rent listing - You get to choose in the next step. Or see SpaceOwner Fees for more information.


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